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Visionary landscapes by Stefan Wepil

Claim and origin:
Inspired by my love of nature and science fiction novels, I create “visionary pictures” of landscapes and cities, which I show in exhibitions as a landscape painter:

My pictures are intended to represent the beauty of nature and to illustrate universal laws. The representation of diversity is particularly important to me.
When I paint, I am mostly driven by curiosity. Landscapes described in the novels are transformed into images. Apparently “encrypted” information in the text becomes visible to the eye.
There are things that can exist both in reality and in the world of fictional planets. Using a “mirror image” approach, I link these two spheres in my paintings.
Representing nature is a central theme. For me, the reproduction of light and its incidence is of high importance as this sets the tone for the mood of a painting.

When painting, I also like to use geological and astronomical data, such as gravity or the composition of the atmosphere. In this way I show how atmospheric, geological or climatic
conditions can affect plants, living beings and landscapes.The rest is fantasy. Combined with ideas of omnipresent diversity, both are adapted to the mood of the painting, influencing and guiding the creative process of visualising unseen worlds.

Painting technique/materials:
A mixed painting technique developed by me (oil pastels, Dürer watercolor pencils, acrylic paints, watercolor, gouache, pencils, watercolor crayons, fineliners) is used on paper or canvas.
For wall pictures I use commercially available acrylic wall paints.

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